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European Airgun magazine
recognizes GRT-III Trigger |

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Mike O January 4 2008 at 3:51 PM
Hey Bob…I have the rammed Whisper
First impressions are that these guns should change
some want lists -- even for people who are focused
on German/English guns. It's smooth, quiet, and easy
to hit with, but for some reason the artillery hold
doesn't work for me -- holding it pretty tight to
get good groups with 10.5 CPs.
I'm amazed by how well behaved this very light
"plastic" gun is shooting with the ram. I installed
the GRT-III before it was an hour old and that
completes the package (Better scope someday. Factory
scope is OK).
No pretty wood or deep, mirror-finished bluing ...
durability remains to be seen ... but otherwise I
put it right up there with my R7 and TX200 MkIII in
the firing sweetness department.
Other observations:
... Ragged hole at 10 meters. When the world thaws
out I'll try longer.
... Almost as quiet as my shrouded TX200 and
similarly smooth firing cycle.
... Haven't chronoed yet, but looks like 16-19 FP by
Tom Gaylord's Pyramyd tests. My informal phone book
quickie agrees.
... Over three pounds less than my TX200
... (Way less $$ than a TX).
... It's plastic all-over. There's so much plastic
that you don't feel cheated by any plastic parts,
because ... the whole danged thing is plastic. Once
you install one of those pretty gold-anodized GRT-III
trigger blades, you'll focus on that little piece of
bling and forget all the plastic (opposite effect of
finding a plastic shortcut on a nicer gun). Go shoot
it: all is forgiven.
Mike O

"Be Ye Transformed" -Gamo + CdT Trigger = Bliss on
the Cheap
Posted 7/25/2006 3:21 AM (#2256)
JPShelton uplandhunter.net
Although I am fond of the R-9's that I do most of my
small game hunting with, I have to admit that I
found much to like about the .177 Gamo Shadow during
the years that I owned one. We still have one in our
household, but it is my wife's gun.
I believe that the subject of whether the R-9 or
Shadow is more accurate is open for debate. My
Shadow certainly never gave cause to complain in the
accuracy department, and my wife's has been a little
tighter grouping than mine was from day one. My off
hand scores with her Shadow aren't much different
than what I get with my .177 R-9 out to about 40
yards or so.
One thing that most people who have shot both rifles
extensively will stipulate is that the R-9 is easier
to shoot accurately, due in part to its slightly
heavier weight, and in large measure to its vastly
more refined trigger feel.
What if there was some way to bridge the gap between
the crude, as-issued Gamo trigger and the excellent
Rekord unit common to R-Series Beemans? What if the
solution left you with plenty of change in your
pocket from two "twenty spots" and could be
installed in about half the time it will take me to
write this post?
Well, there is no need to ask "what if" because
there is a solution, and it more than lives up to
the press that hundreds of satisfied customers have
already given it.
That solution is a "drop-in" replacement trigger
blade marketed by Bob Werner, aka "CharlieDaTuna,"
the man behind Charlie’s Springer Works.
In my view, the GRT trigger was one of the best
products to hit the adult airgun scene since the
introduction of the R-1. Mr. Werner could have left
things well enough alone, but my understanding is
that the new GRT-III version will be an even further
refinement, one that will accommodate manufacturing
tolerances from gun to gun better in the broad
spectrum of rifles that it is intended to function
My wife's Shadow served as the test bed. Her rifle
is slightly over two years old now, and has in
excess of 7,000 shots through it's bore. Over time,
much of the "loose gravel" feel wore itself out of
her trigger (thanks to use and re-assembly with moly
paste). The heavy pull weight (compared to a
factory-adjusted Rekord) and unpredictable let-off,
however, remained.
Prior to installing Mr. Werner's trigger blade, I
measured the pull weight of the Shadow at the
advertised 4.25 pounds, using an RCBS trigger pull
My trigger blade came in a heavily padded shipping
envelope, along with a hex key for fine tuning and
VERY DETAILED, yet easily understood instructions.
The hardest part of the installation was breaking
the "LocTite" that I had applied to the action
screws of the Shadow before shooting it for the
first time. Once that was accomplished, it was a
simple and very quick case of "out with the old, in
with the new."
The trigger blade is held into the housing by a
large pivot pin which is retained on either side of
the housing by a clip. I removed the clip from the
right-hand side of the housing (facing the breech)
opposite the anti-beartrap mechanism, and drove the
pin out. Once the pin is removed, the stock trigger
blade can be slipped out of the housing. In it,
there is another pin that transfers to the new GTX/GRT
trigger, with the same orientation. The next step is
to remove the factory adjustment screw that remains
in the trigger housing when the stock blade is
removed. Once that is accomplished, you slip the new
GTX/GRT in the housing, re-install the trigger pivot
pin, and replace the clip that secures it. Next, you
place the barreled action back in the stock, tighten
down the stock attachment screws, and you're done!
It will take you nearly as long to read this
paragraph as it does to do the actual work.
With the new trigger blade installed, the difference
in feel is so dramatic that it is very difficult to
comprehend how something so simple to do could yield
such a big result.
As issued, the Gamo trigger isn't a true two-stage
unit. It is a single-stage trigger made to feel like
a two-stage unit with a relatively heavy trigger
return spring. With the GTX/GRT installed, the
trigger functions as a true two-stage unit should,
with each stage of the pull doing actual work. Sear
engagement remains more than adequate to retain the
piston when the rifle is cocked. When pulling on the
new trigger, you pull through a functional first
stage to a discernable "bump" where the second stage
begins. The slight application of a miniscule amount
of additional pressure then trips the sear and
allows the rifle to discharge.
How slight? Try 1.18 lbs. That's the figure that my
trigger pull gauge gave EVERY TIME I measured it.
Admittedly, though, I was pretty satisfied with
measuring it three times in a row and calling it
As it is, my wife's trigger requires .78 lb less
force to discharge than my R-1 and R-9's do, as all
of them are adjusted for a two pound pull.
The pull is very light and the let-off is now
totally predictable, with the overall feel being
very refined and smooth. There is some overtravel,
but it is not objectionable. As indicated in the
instructions, the trigger came pre-adjusted to a
very acceptable feel, and I see no reason to mess
with it beyond "just because I can" for the sake of
Okay, so how does this modified Gamo trigger compare
to a Rekord?
Rather well. I'm in a pretty good position to tell,
since I've got a pair of R-9's and a fairly new R-1
to compare it with. How well depends on the
individual guns in question and on the shooter's
ability to perceive minute differences in feel. Some
will notice a slight difference, but personally, I
don't think many recreational shooters would.
I'll put it to you like this....
I still prefer the trigger on my .20 R-9 over this
modified unit in my wife's Shadow, but I DO NOT
prefer it enough to make the difference that's there
worth dealing with the R-Series Beeman safety, which
is located in a silly spot and requires a re-cocking
motion to reset. The modified trigger on the Shadow
feels so substantively similar to the trigger on my
.177 R-9 that I am willing to call it a draw, while
it feels BETTER and MORE REFINED than the trigger on
my new and hardly used (less than a tin of pellets)
.20 R-1. That is why I can make the "depends"
comment in the paragraph above.
Bear in mind that "feel" is a subjective thing. That
said, if you put ten shooters on a trigger that I
think is a good one, it's probably safe to say that
8 or 9 of them will feel the same way I do about the
trigger's goodness.
I've posted this here, rather than in the Gamo
forum, in the hopes that those who don't yet have
any pre-conceived bias or brand loyalty might be
more inclined to read this before deciding to throw
down on an R-9 or something else. If you like the
look of synthetic-stocked rifles (as many younger
shooters and less tradition-bound folks than myself
do) or find practical advantage in a synthetic
stock, then a Shadow, properly scoped, with a GRT
trigger, might actually meet your needs and wants
better than anything else out there.
If you already own a Gamo, YOU NEED THIS TRIGGER
Without this trigger blade on the market, there may
indeed be much better rifles to spend one's money
on, but with this trigger blade on the market, I can
say that for the hunting that I do, a Gamo
(particularly the Shadow) so equipped would be
pretty tough to beat. I am so impressed with this
product that I will be buying another Shadow in the
near future and putting in an order for the new GRT-III
trigger blade to compliment it.
In this case, "impressed" is an understatement!
I'm so enthused about this product that I added a
page about it on uplandhunter.net that I'll probably
keep up indefinitely. To view it, go to the scroll
down to the updates listed in red at the bottom of
the homepage for uplandhunter.net, and click on the
link you'll see at the bottom.
Blessings and Tight Groups,
-JP www.uplandhunter.net
Precision Shooting Magazine
Jock Elliot... Airgun writer
CharlieDaTuna GTX/GRT trigger in Gamo CFX -- Wow!
January 8 2006 at 4:34 PM
Jock ElliottJock Elliott
I am an unabashed fan of the Gamo CFX underlever air
rifle. I think it hits a real sweet spot in the
price/performance curve where a lot of performance
intersects a fairly modest investment.
But if there is an area in which the CFX does not
shine, it's the trigger. I don't think it is as
loathsomely bad as some folks have made out, but it
certainly could use some improvement. It's not as
smooth as most shooters would like and it certainly
pulls harder (4.5 pounds or more, depending on the
gun) than I would like. Nevertheless, I have been
able to achieve some very satisfactory accuracy with
the box-stock CFX.
Today, however, I installed the GTX trigger that was
developed by CharlieDaTuna -- http://www.charliedatuna.com/
-- and Steve from NC. The installation took about 15
minutes and is accomplished with ordinary hand tools
(a couple of screwdrivers, and a tooth pick for
dabbing on some lubrication). The only other thing
that is needed is some moly paste or, failing that,
some 30-weight non-detergent motor oil.
Once you remove the old stamped and folded sheet
metal trigger and other unnecessary parts, the
precision-machined, gold (color) anodized trigger
simply drops into place. You replace two pins, a
clip, and slip the action back into the stock, and
you're done. Trust me on this: if I can do it, the
odds are overwhelmingly in your favor that you can
do it.
The result, though, is an absolute transformation to
the CFX trigger. The new trigger is very smooth.
There is an extremely light first stage, followed by
a very light second stage. Charlie says that most of
his guns come out at 1.5 pounds pull, but I suspect
mine is lighter, perhaps because I enthusiastically
applied the moly grease.
This is a trigger that you have to educate your
finger to. The first time that you try it, you
definitely want to be on target, because chances are
the CFX will go off before you expect it. This
trigger requires gently pulling the first stage
until you feel the slight resistance of the second
stage. Then, just a bit more pull, and the shot is
gone. If you want a light, crisp trigger for field
target competition, the GTX delivers the goods.
The trigger comes with two screws that are
pre-adjusted, so don't mess with them before
installation. Once screw adjusts first stage pull,
and other adjusts second stage creep, but I didn't
find the need to play with either of them.
I think the GTX trigger is an excellent modification
to the Gamo CFX, an already accurate air rifle. The
GTX trigger results in a very large improvement to
the Gamo for less than $30, and I can heartily
recommend it.
With the GTX trigger installed, I think the Gamo CFX
can compete nose-to-nose in field target with any
from-the-factory spring piston air rifle made today,
and it wouldn't surprise me to see more CFX’s at the
firing line with that distinctive gold trigger
Jock Elliott
Airgun writer,
correspondent, Precision Shooting Magazine
Gamo trigger mods compared
review by DanoInTx:
Over my short time as an airgun hobbyist I have been
reading various airgun forum posts where people
complain about the trigger on their Gamo air rifles.
I have always read about CharlieDaTuna’s GRT-III
trigger blade, and the rave reviews everyone gave
about this mod and how it turned their $100-$250
Gamo into a million dollar match rifle. Of course I
was skeptical, but then I didn’t own a Gamo and
didn’t know what the big deal was.
A few months ago I started seeing other Gamo trigger
mods, one by Peterdragin (a.k.a. Rich from Mich) and
yet another by someone else, which we all know of as
the “spring, nut, and screw” mod. While wandering
through Wal-Mart one night I noticed a Gamo box way
up on the top shelf. It was an S1K and on clearance
for $74 and bought it. I took it home, cleaned the
funk off, and started shooting it. Power was nice,
sights were exceptional for a sub $100 gun, spring
twang wasn’t too bad, but that trigger…..yuk! I
quickly got on the forum and researched a little,
found the different mods. I had to decide on one
mod, it had to be inexpensive (not sure if I’d keep
this gun), and I didn’t believe in leaving loose
hardware floating around in my guns, so the “spring,
nut, screw” mod wasn’t even a contender, plus it was
$10 from Power Stroke Pneumatics vs. $8 for Rich’s
trigger insert.
I contacted Rich and ordered an insert. I followed
Rich’s directions for the trigger insert
installation. I lubed, but didn’t spend a whole lot
of deburring time on the trigger parts as it looked
pretty good out of the box. One part of Rich’s
trigger tune is to rebend one of the trigger springs
to give a slightly heavier pull (heavier being over
a pound). The reassembly took quite awhile, maybe 45
minutes, especially since I wasn’t at all familiar
with the Gamo trigger. Rich sent some decent
pictures, and there was another on his website that
helped. All in all, not too difficult a job, but
then I wouldn’t say everyone would want to dig into
this part of the gun if they didn’t have to, or if
they weren’t exactly organized when they take things
apart. Gun back together…it was time to shoot…..more
on that later…….
A few weeks after I bought the first S1K from Wally
World, Natchez had refurbed Hunter 220’s for $79. I
placed an order. It’s the S1K with a wooden stock,
and of course the same trigger. This time I thought
I’d try something different, so I contacted Bob
Werner (a.k.a. CharlieDaTuna) and placed an order
for his GRT-III trigger blade. Bob was great to deal
with. I took my new blade out of the bubble package
Bob mailed it in to look it over. One of the first
lines I read in the directions was “in most cases
there is no need to remove the trigger assembly from
the gun for installation of the GRT-III”. I looked
at it, strolled out to the garage, grabbed a #2
Phillips head and a small slotted screwdriver as
well as my Hunter 220 and went back inside. In 6
minutes, 6…minutes I had the stock off, the GRT-III
installed and the stock back on the gun…..6
minutes!!!!! I did a quick look over the
instructions to see what adjustments I needed to do,
“The trigger blade has been pre-adjusted and it
should be pretty close for most application. Just
install it and adjust only if necessary.”…sweeeeet.
Later I plan to tear the 220 down for a lube tune,
but for now I just wanted to feel the GRT-III “out
of the box”.
Now for the comparison. The design of both mods is
to make a Gamo trigger into a true two-stage trigger
while reducing trigger pull and make the trigger
predictable. Both triggers do this, and they both do
this well. There is however a difference. Beyond the
obvious price difference and the fancy gold trigger
blade the actual feel of the GRT-III trigger blade
is great. I don’t own a trigger pull scale but I
would have to say as far as trigger pull, both
triggers are about the same. The GRT-III also has a
first stage adjustment screw, although I didn’t need
to adjust it at all. The mini-trigger insert has
only one screw which I only adjusted to remove slack
in the trigger. The GRT-III trigger required no
spring bending, and no complete disassembly of the
trigger, and took 6 minutes, 6 minutes, 6 minutes. I
would say that most people who don’t hurt themselves
“often” with common hand tools could install the GRT-III
without problems. The trigger insert took more time,
required a little more fiddling, and without some
mechanical know-how I would still be looking at a
pile of parts. In all fairness the S1K that I
installed the insert in was the very first Gamo I
had apart ever and I was also doing a lube tune on
this gun…so it’s a bit hard to compare, but I think
6 minutes says it all. As far as air rifles go, I
appreciate real wood over synthetic stocks, and I
like a good feeling properly machined trigger blade
over a rolled sheet metal trigger blade, and the GRT-III
feels better under my trigger finger. I know there
are nay-sayers out there that say it’s all about
light trigger pull, but I can feel the difference in
the ergonomics. The serrated grooves machined into
the face of the trigger blade feel good. If nothing
else besides that feel and the 6 minute installation
time vs. a pile of parts on my bench and me
scratching my head for twice that long, I would
gladly pay the price difference again and
again…honestly. Even if I had someone else install
these two mods for the same price difference I would
pay the difference for the better ergonomic feel of
the GRT-III over the stock Gamo trigger blade. I
have to give kudos where kudos are due and Gamo
could learn a lot from either of these two mods,
they do make a nice trigger out of these very poor
out of the box triggers.
He's going to jail! Sunday, July 16, 2006
(Original Article & Copied from Tom Gaylord)
He's going to jail!
by Tom Gaylord
Michael A. Crooker was found guilty on Wednesday,
July 15, 2006 of illegally manufacturing a silencer.
He faces a mandatory sentence of 15 years. This link
has the report:
Airgun silencer case
Crooker made a silencer for a Korean Big Bore 909, a
.45 caliber air rifle. In 2004 he sold the rifle and
silencer to another party and he shipped it through
the U.S. Postal Service, where it was intercepted.
When ATF tested the silencer on a firearm, it
silenced the report. That is the legal definition of
a silencer.
Making a silencer is a violation of several counts
of the same law. Because a silencer is considered to
be a firearm by federal law, the maker has just made
a firearm without a license to manufacture - count
one. Firearms that are sold are required to have
serial numbers, and this one didn't - count two. And
possession of an unregistered silencer is also a
crime - count three.
The jury did ask for additional clarification on
what constitutes a silencer, but the judge was
unable to give them anything beyond the law. I have
written an article about silencers for Pyramyd Air.
It should be up on their web site soon. I included
the definition of a silencer in that article, so you
can read it for yourself. When it goes up, this is
where it will be:
For 12 years I have maintained that silencers and
airguns do not mix. People who play with the law
open themselves to prosecution. Even if you win your
case, the experience will not be pleasant. Now that
BATF has a win under their belts, I expect them to
prosecute other silencer violations more vigorously.
This was a jury trial.
posted by Tom Gaylord @ 5:51 AM 0 comments

The dangers of tuning (and trying to hurry)
June 3 2006 at 9:59 PM Russell Best
I was working on a Marksman 61 today ( AKA HW-77K)
and while tearing it apart, I decided to forgo use
of the spring compressor and just unscrew the endcap
by hand. I've done it dozens of times and knew
exactly what preload was involved with the factory
spring. Well.. as I unscrewed it off the last
thread, the mainspring and steel guide launched the
the endcap sideways and the razor sharp edge on the
factory guide tore into the top of my right thumb,
incising it to the bone from just below the nail,
across the top of the knuckle and about 1/3 the
length of the long thumb bone. Laid that puppy right
open.. bone, cartilage and vein (torn) lookin' right
up at me. Oops!( fill in your favorite blue language
here). No- I did not drop the endcap. I placed it
carefully on the bench, grabbed a paper towel, then
went looking for the phone book for a walk in clinic
that will do stitches. I didn't want to head for the
ER in New Haven because you can't walk out of there
without spending at least $250.. and waiting for
hours. After searching the Yellow and white pages,
it seems there are no longer any nearby walk in
clinics that are open on Saturday afternoons... so
screw it, I'll fix it myself! Right thumb is doing
OK right now.. I splinted it to keep the thumb from
bending and opening up again, and I taped the wound
shut, but there is swelling (because of trauma and a
torn vein), but it stopped my tuning activities for
today at least. I think I'll invest in some Kevlar
Moral of the episode: Even when you're fully
familiar with what you're doing, don't take safety
shortcuts. I should have taken the extra 5 minutes
and set up the spring compressor for this job. RB
PS:Typing (and several other things) are a pain in
the butt with a splinted thumb. Try zipping your fly
left handed- heh heh. RB
Gamo NRA 1000 Review
by Gary Anthony
January 16, 2006
When I saw the Gamo/NRA Special Edition 1000 in
"our" American Rifleman magazine I made room for one
more Springer in my gun rack. I'm not so attached to
the metal and wood look so I wasn't put off by the
synthetic black stock. Kinda stealth looking with
that covert sniper appearance that makes a guy a
much better shooter, at least in his own mind.
The NRA logo and serial number (one of 1000) put it
a notch above the Gamo of ordinary man. My own
number 000247 just does put me in the upper quarter
of the class. The official NRA medallion does give
the rifle status. It comes equipped with a 4 x 32
adjustable objective scope with a much appreciated
scope stop to keep it where you place it on the
scope rails. It will focus all the way down to 7.5
yards, for those whose long distance shooting
amounts to one end of the living room to the other,
all the way to infinity at the other extremes in
Testing proved it truly could push a very light
pellet to almost 1000 fps but it favored it's own
Gamo Pro Magnum pellet at 8.9 grains for the highest
ME of all pellet weights tested at 16.33 ft/lbs.
Velocity at that power is 909 fps. Trajectory for a
1/2 inch rise and fall above and below the line of
sight gives a point blank range of 43 yards. In it's
role as a sporting weapon, it does well with the 4
power scope. Not so powerful that the quarry at that
max range develops a personal relationship with you
before the shot. Less to fool with, just aim and
shoot without adjustments other than distance.
The only bug, and don't we all know it, is the
trigger. Not a big selling point with the beloved
Gamo line. Thankfully, CharlieDaTuna (Bob Werner)
has solved the Gamo's weak link with his GTX drop in
trigger. With less than 30 minutes work I had a
slightly more than 1 pound trigger pull that is
crisp and light. I have more than a few HW's and can
compare the GTX to the Record trigger and give the
edge to the GTX mod.
These really nice rifles are still available and, if
you don't have a Gamo, this is an excellent choice.
Make room on that rack for one.
Gary Anthony

Click above on Charlie for contact